Economic and Social Empowerment of Roma and Egyptian Communities-a booster for Social Inclusion”(ESERE)

During 15 November 2016 – 15 September 2017, IRCA is contracted by the Project “Economic and Social Empowerment of Roma and Egyptian Communities-a booster for Social Inclusion”(ESERE)” – Implemented by UNDP with financial support of European Union. The project “Alteration of four schools into community centers in the municipalities of Tirana, Durres, Berat and Shkodra’.

During the project implementation have been realized 73 activities in all four regions (21 activities for “GjonBuzuku” school in Tirana, 17 activities for “EftaliKoci” School in Durres, 19 activities for “ShyqyriLakra”, school in Berat and 16 activities for “Liria” school in Shkodra). In these activities participated and were engaged in total 1472 students (392 students in GjonBuzuku School, 342 students in EftaliKoci School, 374 students in ShyqyriLakra School and 364 students in Liria School), 376 parents (108 parents in GjonBuzuku school, 19 parents in EftaliKoci school, 106 parents in ShyqyriLakra school and 143 parents in Liria school) and also 161 teachers (35 “Liria school in Shkodra”, 46 “ShyqyriLakra in Berat”, 40 “GjonBuzuku in Tirana” and 40 “EftaliKoci in Durres”).

By working closely with schools staff in four regions, we achieved to teach them to prepare planning activities , quarterly reports and final reports, prepare the folder of school community centre and use the online portal of school community centre.