Home Projects

Enhancing Albanian and Italian Youth to Support Disadvantaged Communities to become Climate Change Resilient...

Countries: Albania and ItalyFunding: ALLIANZ FOUNDATION, GermanyImplementation: Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) in Albania and Associazione di Promozione Sociale Giallo Sassi in ItalyObjectives:REACT Project aims to strengthen the climate change resilience and transform the communities’ lives, by enhancing the...

“Promoting good governance and Roma empowerment at local level” ROMACTED ALBANIA (Phase II)

Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and TurkeyFunding: European Union and Council of EuropeImplementation: Council of EuropeObjectives:The general objective is to build up political will and sustained policy engagement of local authorities to...

“Promoting Political Inclusion of Marginalized Youth in Albania.”

Objectives: To promote the active citizenship and political inclusion of the marginalized Roma community in Albania.Project activities:Implementation of the capacity building program “Roma political  leadership academy in Albania”During the period 1 October 2021–31 March 2022, IRCA with...

“Roma Youth, Ambassadors of a Free Society without Corruption”

IRCA has implemented the initiative "Roma Youth, Ambassadors of a Free Society without Corruption", funded by USAID that focuses on creating positive role models for Roma youth with legal aspects of anti-corruption, administrative, educational, information and anti-corruption...

Inclusion of Roma Youth in Increasing Community Safety in Shkodra

During  01.01.2017 – 01.06.2018, IRCA is implementing the project “Inclusion of Roma Youth in Increasing Community Safety in Shkodra”. The proposed project aims to increase and strengthen the Roma and Egyptian community, educational institutions and local government co-operation with...

Asylum seekers and Refugees in Albania making Progress on Employment Objectives

The project "Establishing the basis for livelihood programs in Albania" continues to advance in the realization of objectives such as: a) increasing the capacity of asylum seekers and refugees; b) increasing their knowledge of the labor market to explore...

Volunteer Corps

The Roma Volunteer Corps is mainly composed of Roma and non-Roma university students who participate in awareness campaigns that aim to mobilize youth into becoming active citizens, to create an intercultural social environment of inclusion. All members have a...

Roma Language Session

Since 2013, sessions for Roma language lessons started at IRCA’s office. Lessons were developed by our volunteers of Romani Corps of Volunteer.

IRCA Flash Mob

In the framework of a project titled “I am Roma, I am an Albanian citizen”, with financial support from the Democracy Commission from the American Embassy, IRCA organized a flash mob with 100 Roma and non-Roma youth participants. It was...