IRCA has implemented the initiative “Roma Youth, Ambassadors of a Free Society without Corruption”, funded by USAID that focuses on creating positive role models for Roma youth with legal aspects of anti-corruption, administrative, educational, information and anti-corruption skills.
The results of the project:
- 21 young people participated in a 2-day training on the topic of corruption of ëhich 18 of them were men and 3 women.
- Roma youth distributed 500 anti-corruption guides in areas of Roma communities prepared and translated into Romani language.
- Roma youth staged corrupt forms in Roma settlements in the Municipality of Fier (Levan, Baltëz, Mbrostar, Seman and Drizë) and in the Municipality of Roskovec in which about 111 people participated, of which 66 men and 45 women
- Production and distribution on social networks of a video-documentary with a significant message about the phenomenon of corruption.
- Signing of the cooperation agreement with the Municipality of Fier and Roskovec in the framework of the project “Roma Youth, Ambassadors of a free society without corruption”, for the implementation of further activities.
- Roma Ambassadors Visited Local Institutions such as the Fier Labor Office, the Health Care Unit, the Local Education Office and the Regional General Directorate Fier.
- 4 Podcaste were prepared and posted on the “Capitol” radio website.