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Meeting of the Ambassador of Germany in Albania H. E. Mr. Karl Bergner with...

<p style="text-align: justify;"Today, the Ambassador of Germany in Albania H. E. Mr. Karl Bergner held a meeting with the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) and its director, Mr. Bledi Taho. The German Embassy has supported IRCA in...

“Promoting Political Inclusion of Marginalized Youth in Albania.”

Objectives: To promote the active citizenship and political inclusion of the marginalized Roma community in Albania.Project activities:Implementation of the capacity building program “Roma political  leadership academy in Albania”During the period 1 October 2021–31 March 2022, IRCA with...


Organizim seminari me temë “Gjuha e urrjetjes racore, një kërcënim për të drejtat dhe liritë temelore të njeriut” me pjesëmarrjen e studentëve të Fakultetit të Shkencave Sociale”. TERMA REFERENCE                 ...

Thirrje për Aplikime për Biznese / Start – Up

Data e publikimit  24 Gusht 2022 Projekti Forcimi i sistemeve kombëtare dhe lokale për të mbështetur integrimin efektiv socio-ekonomik të të kthyerve në Ballkanin Perëndimor Drejtuar Pakicës Rome ose pakicës Egjiptiane të rikthyer nga emigrimi.  Qytetet Fier, Berat, Devoll Afati i...


Date of publication : 02 June 2021 Project The goal is us - Roma Women empowered Position Local Expert Time period 5 working days during June 2021 Application deadline June 10, 2021 Estimated start date As soon as possible  General information Established in 2011, The Institute for Romani...


Për Hartimin e Planeve të Biznesit për 20 përfitues dhe njohës i mirë i rregullave për start-up dhe profesionistët e pavarur.     Ref : __21/22___                       ...

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Dhuro duke vendosur te dhenat e llogarise Bankare: Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT) Mbajtesi i Llogarise: INST OF ROMANI CULTURE IN ALBANIA Monedha: ALL Nr Llogarise: 402499248CLTJCLALLUS IBAN: AL7020511519499248CLTJCLALLU SWIFT Code: NCBAALTX Mbajtesi i Llogarise: INST OF ROMANI CULTURE IN ALBANIA Monedha: EURO Nr Llogarise: 402499248CLTJCFEURXJ IBAN: AL5320511519499248CLTJCFEURX SWIFT Code: NCBAALTX Mbajtesi...

Network & Donors

IRCA is part of different National and International networks as well as has excellent partnership created with state institutions at both local and central level such as Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth, Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry...

Advocacy and Participation

During 8 years of Advocacy and Participation programs, IRCA achieved to build friendly, trusting relationships; to empower Roma in particular youth by equipping them with skills to speak up for themselves and to start to make choices in the...