Past Projects

Sustaining the Roma youth’s Hope for a Democratic Future in Albania

During 2014 – 2015, IRCA has been implementing the project “Sustaining the Roma youth’s Hope for a Democratic Future in Albania” funded by the USA Embassy in Tirana. In the framework of this project 10 Roma students have been...

I Am Roma I am Albanian Citizen

During April 2013- March 2014, IRCA has been implementing the Project “I Am Roma I am Albanian Citizen”, funded by the USA Embassy in Tirana,(Commission for Democracy Small Grants Program). In the framework of the project : 50 Roma...

Empowerment of Roma youth and social inclusion through employment

In May- October 2013, IRCA, with the support of state Agency for the support of the Civil society in Albania( AMSHC), has been implementing the project “Empowerment of Roma youth and social inclusion through employment". 100 Roma youth from...

Roma Mediators Advocate for equal services in public services in Fier region

1 March 2012 – 30 November 2016, with support of Open Society Foundation In Albania, Roma Program, IRCA has been implementing the project “Roma Mediators Advocate for equal services in public services in Fier region”. This project aimed at...


1 September 2012- 30 May 2013 , with support of UNDP- EVLC Programme, IRCA has been implementing RomVERITAS ( roma truthfulness) project providing career advice and counseling to over 100 Roma students and graduates with assistance to apply for...

Institutional Development

From 1 November 2012 - 15 August 2017, IRCA, with support of Open Society -Roma Initiative Office in Budapest has implemented “Institutional Development” Project, focusing on strengthening the IRCA-s staff capacities on Advocacy and Strategy Plan. Based on this...


In 2011, IRCA started voluntarily the carrier advice and job campaign “Kamavtephiravanglal”, wich in the last 6 years provided assistance and facilitate around 1100roma youth and students with education and info for varies opportunities for carrier counselling and getting...