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Asylum seekers and Refugees in Albania making Progress on Employment Objectives

The project "Establishing the basis for livelihood programs in Albania" continues to advance in the realization of objectives such as: a) increasing the capacity of asylum seekers and refugees; b) increasing their knowledge of the labor market to explore...

Romology and Interculturalism

This conference was part of the activities for Roma Week " Romanipe " organized around April 8 - International Roma Day . This conference was organized under the project " Promoting a Systemic and Academic Response to Anti-Gypsyism" supported...

May 21st 2015, Culture Diversity Day

On May 21st 2015, Culture Diversity Day, the Ministry of Culture organized the activity “Show Your Culture”. The aim was to demonstrate the efforts of minority groups and of the Ministry of Culture to promote non-material/ non-tangible culture. The...

Afro-American Movement: Guide for Respect for Minority Rights in Albania

IRCA, with support from the American Embassy in Tirana, organized an activity on February 27th, 2014, at the Nishtulla Community Center. The activity, titled “Afro-American Movement: Guide for Respect for Minority Rights in Albania”, included participants from the Roma...

Promoting Roma Identity through Online Radio

On June 30, 2015 IRCA organized our final conference for the project “Promoting Roma Identity and Equal Access to Education through Online Radio and Positive Roma Role Models.” This project was developed in the regions of Tirana, Fier and...

International Roma People Day

On April 8, the International Roma People Day, the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania with the support of the US Embassy in Tirana, and the cooperation of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and the Central Election...