Current Projects

Think Critically, Act Responsibly

During 1 May 2017 – 1 April 2018, IRCA is implementing the project “Think Critically, Act Responsibly”. The project is funded by small grants of US Embassy in Tirana, Albania. The overall objective of the proposed project is to...

Roma Youth Ambassadors for a Corruption Free Society at Local Level

During 1 May 2017 – 30 March 2018 , IRCA is implementing the project “Roma Youth Ambassadors for a Corruption Free Society at Local Level (Municipality of Divjaka and Lushnja). The project is funded by IDM – Civilist (EU...

Encouraging Intercultural Dialogue through the Promotion of Roma Music

During April 2016 – 30 September 2018, IRCA is contracted by the Project “Economic and Social Empowerment of Roma and Egyptian Communities-a booster for Social Inclusion”(ESERE) – Implemented by UNDP with financial support of European Union. The project “Encouraging...