Project Title: Supporting Roma micro-entrepreneurs in Albania towards better environmental sustainability.

Pilot Action 4: Hands-on small-scale support for vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs
Implemented by IRCA with the financial support of ASSOCIATION FONDATION EUROPEENNE DE LA SCIENCE (ESF), under sub-grant scheme of ACCTING project.

The project aims to achieve the following objectives through a series of activities planned:
1. Encourage vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs to engage in environmentally sustainable business practices. The project will encourage Roma micro-entrepreneurs in 3 areas in Albania to consider the benefits of developing environmentally business practices. Info sessions will be organized in each of the project locations for raising awareness and promoting the benefits of sustainability. At least 60 Roma micro-entrepreneurs will participate in this activity.
2. Increase vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs’ knowledge, skills and capacities for starting or growing an environmentally friendly business through: 2.1. Vocational training 2.2. Tailored support. At least 20 Roma micro-entrepreneurs will be involved in coaching cycle green support. The training program will provide useful information and knowledge about existing opportunities to improve the environmental sustainability of micro-enterprises; as well as identifying and enhancing strengths (both personal and related to their business) that people may not be aware of but which could support the process. Furthermore the project will provide one-to one tailored support for 10 selected Roma micro-entrepreneurs, consisting on personalized advice from the experts and material support.
3. Build a network of businesses committed to sustainability and encourage the sharing of practices, particularly those that include vulnerable micro-entrepreneurs. The project will support the establishment of the Coalition of Roma Green Micro-entrepreneurs (CRGM). One online platform for facilitating the communication and co-learning of likeminded entrepreneurs who can share their experiences, learn from each other, and provide mutual support will be established and supported by the project.
4. Motivate as many entrepreneurs as possible to strive for improving their environmental sustainability-focused endeavors. The project will promote the best practices through awarding 3 prices for Best Roma small entrepreneurs, in order to encourage more entrepreneurs to engage in environmentally conscious business practices.