IRCA Activities

10 years IRCA Report

10 Years Report IRCADownload  

“Young Social Inclusion Lawyers for better and more inclusive public and social services”

By a decision of 12 January 2019 and in accordance with the provisions established by the project “Young Social Inclusion Lawyers for better and more inclusive public and social services”, 30 Youth Advocates (17 women and 13...

Art and Culture

With pride, we say, that perhaps the biggest contribution Roma have made to society is in the field of music. “…topa bore hedhin shokët tanë…” (“...snow balls thrown by our friends...”) are verses that accompany a ‘whiteness’ (Bardhesi) Albanian...

Gjirokastra – Public Discourse

Gjirokastra - Public Discourse. This discourse was realized as part of the initiative "Revitalization of Roma Local Mediators Structures at Local Level in Fier, Berat and Gjirokastra Municipality", implemented by the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania and financially...

Debate Club

“Summer Day” 2015 (March 14th), volunteers from IRCA’s Romani Corps of Volunteers decided together to spend time in nature at the Historical Park of Peze. Our volunteers with the interns from the Center for Professional Courses, spent a fun...

Roma Language Session

Since 2013, sessions for Roma language lessons started at IRCA’s office. Lessons were developed by our volunteers of Romani Corps of Volunteer.