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Meeting of the Ambassador of Germany in Albania H. E. Mr. Karl Bergner with...

<p style="text-align: justify;"Today, the Ambassador of Germany in Albania H. E. Mr. Karl Bergner held a meeting with the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) and its director, Mr. Bledi Taho. The German Embassy has supported IRCA in...

Christmas Celebration with Children!

The end of the year seasonal holidays are eagerly awaited by children 🎄🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️! That's why, on this occasion, the Institute of Romani Culture in Albania (IRCA) organized a festive activity together with the children! We were pleased to...

Youth Empowerment

Established Romani Corps of Volunteers a network of Roma and non-Roma students and graduates ( 218 overall of whom 179 have been equipped with volunteer’s card) who consider voluntarism as a means to help others and get experienced. Several...

Institutional Development and Partnership Building

During these years of existence IRCA has consolidated its institutional capacities and financial strategy and has strengthened partnership with several non-Roma organizations, and research centres and universities such as the Institute of Family and Neighborhoods Life at Clemson University...

Promoting intercultural Dialogue and Roma culture

During 2011- 2018, IRCA has worked to continuing document in a decent manner Roma cultural heritage in Albania and trained various public officials ( police officers, teachers, Albanian students) in Roma identity and culture as relevant to policing and...

Advocacy and Participation

During 8 years of Advocacy and Participation programs, IRCA achieved to build friendly, trusting relationships; to empower Roma in particular youth by equipping them with skills to speak up for themselves and to start to make choices in the...