Announcement on the approved project WB-Edu4Migration from the European Program Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE

The European Commission, through the Erasmus+ KA2 “Capacity Building in Higher Education”, has approved our project “Alleviating Migration Challenges in the Western Balkans: Bridging the Skills Gap for Social Service Providers through Curriculum Improvement and Micro-credential Development” WB-Edu4Migration project, which is an initiative that aims to address the limited competencies of social workers in the Western Balkans. The main goal of the project is to improve the competences of students and social workers in the Western Balkan countries, namely Kosovo and Albania, to better support migrant populations. This will be achieved through a multi-dimensional approach that includes educational reforms, the development of digital micro-credential courses, and ongoing capacity building activities.

The project is led by AAB College and IRCA will be one of the partners in this project, together with other institutions from Kosovo, Albania, Denmark, Austria, and Italy.

AAB College, Kosovo – Leader (
International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM), Kosovo
University “Fehmi Agani” Gjakovë (UFAGJ), Kosovo
Institute for Research, Education and Social Development (IREDS), Kosovo
University of Tirana (UT), Albania
Barleti University (UniBA), Albania
LOGOS University College, Albania
Institute of Roma Culture in Albania (IRCA), Albania
UCL University College (UCL), Denmark
Fachhochschule Salzburg (FH Salzburg), Austria
IULM University (IULM), Italy